Saturday, September 3, 2011

Shed Project Underway

Over the years I've amassed a small collection of bikes, tools, camping gear and other assorted equipment that simply no longer fits in a one car garage.  The car hasn't seen the inside of my garage in years.  That space is too valuable to waste on something as mundane as an automobile.  As a result circumstances have finally forced me into constructing a storage shed on the back of my property.  I want to get the lawnmower, rakes, shovels and other messy tools out of this prime real estate to make room for more important tasks.  

In the picture above is a 12 foot square area that my son and I dug by hand.  After clearing the tree roots to a depth of about 5 inches I plan to construct a retaining wall made of composite decking material to contain the limestone that will be the base of my shed.  If there is not a physical barrier between the gravel and adjoining sod the grass and weeds will quickly grow up through the stone.  

The structure will be an 8' X 10' shed very similar to my neighbor's in the background.  The 12' X 12' gravel base will give me plenty of room around the perimeter of the shed.  This part of the property is the low ground and always wet during the rainy season so I wanted to make sure the building is up high and dry.   

Unfortunately the project is not allowing me much free time for fun stuff like bike riding but fall is just around the corner and I am now forced to work under a time table.  It's not all bad though -digging, chopping tree roots with an ax and hauling around wheelbarrows full of gravel is a full body workout so the return on the investment is fitness.  Besides a little hard work builds character.

Stay tuned for more exciting shed news!

1 comment:

  1. The little photo icon on the blog roll made this photo at first glance appear to be a freshly dug grave with a white tombstone behind it. I was happy to see it is only a shed. I'll be happy to watch your progress!
